Anti-Martingale Roulette System

The Anti-Martingale is the Martingale in reverse.

Instead of doubling your bets after a losing spin you double your bet after a winning spin. In other words, you leave on the table your original bet plus you winning.

Spin # 1 2 2 2 2
Your bet $1 $2 $4 $8 $16
Previous bet + profit -- $1+$1 $2+$2 $4+$4 $8+$8
Red or black (outcome) Red Red Red Red Red
Result (you win) +$1 +$2 +$4 +$8 +$16
Accumulated result (profit) +$1 +$3 +$7 +$15 +$31

Of course, applying this system you must decide how many spins you are going to play for as you cannot win spin after spin all night long. For example you can remove part of the winnings after a number of spins and let the remaining bet continue for a little bit longer.



